Small Business Spotlight: Bracken’s Kitchen

Bracken’s Kitchen is a 501(c)(3) organization founded in 2013, which has made it their mission to restore food security and lives in Orange County through their community feeding program. They partner with local nonprofit charity organizations, businesses, volunteers, and employees to feed underprivileged Orange County families in need.
In 2020, one of the only video productions that Emblem MP agreed to work on was a food drive organized by Bracken’s Kitchen and Brewery X. This was a COVID-19 safe, free drive-thru event in Anaheim, aimed at feeding restaurant and hospitality workers in Orange County who had been unemployed due to the pandemic. It was so successful, they organized a second food drive later in the month in Dana Point. Any leftover food was quickly preserved and utilized by Bracken’s Kitchen to deliver hot meals to several local organizations. In the year 2020, they reported having provided over 1.5 million meals to Orange County residents.
On their website, Bracken’s Kitchen reports that there are over 400,000 people struggling from hunger in Orange County, and 1 in 5 children are at risk of hunger every month. Another shocking stat reported on their website is 28,000 homeless children in Orange County.
The organization’s impact on its community is monumental. We are excited to continue to support them in their mission and document their continued impact on the residents of Orange County!